Monday, April 16, 2007

In pre-school I showed signs of having issues with being photographed.
I am the one with the clenched fist who is glaring at the camera.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! This picture is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I love this! I love that you still make the same face in pictures that you did when you were in preschool

Anonymous said...

Your Premium Blend is on again tomorrow. I hope you get your own comedy special soon so I can leave a comment that says, "Your special is on again!"

Anonymous said...

I saw you on Premium Blend today and thought you were hilarious! My only problem with you is that you weren't on there for longer. Next time demand to be on for a long time!That was ridiculously short.

Anonymous said...

Val, you're hilarious!I saw you on Premium Blend the other day too and also thought it was way too short. I saw you about two years ago at my college at UW Superior and you did like an hour and were SO funny! It seemed weird to see you do only what was that...3 minutes? I'm outraged!!

Anonymous said...

Yo Val, I saw your short appearance on Comedy Central when it first aired a year or two ago, and thought it was great even though it was short. You're funny in 3 minutes or longer.
I know this because I've seen you do both.

Val said...

Thanks so much for comments, you guys!
Re: Premium Blend-
That was taped in August of 2005
aired in December of 2005. So it was two years ago. Yes, that was short. But that's kind of the purpose of that show. To give you a little glimpse of a few comics while a celebrity comedian(Damon Wayans) hosts. That was nice of you guys to leave comments and maybe next time when I do something on TV it will be a bit longer.
Thanks so much for your support!
I appreciate it.
-val :)

Anonymous said...

YOU are a celebrity!